
a few things to note

I've been meaning to post about this story for a few weeks, but had forgotten. Apparently a good portion of the world's plastic refuse has accumulated in the Pacific Ocean, forming a pseudo-landmass of considerable size. Here's a summary from Wikipedia:

The centre of the North Pacific Gyre is relatively stationary region of the Pacific Ocean (the area it occupies is often referred to as the horse latitudes) and the circular rotation around it draws waste material in. This has led to the accumulation of flotsam and other debris in huge floating 'clouds' of waste which have taken on informal names, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the Eastern Garbage Patch or the Pacific Trash Vortex. While historically this debris has biodegraded, the gyre is now accumulating vast quantities of plastic and marine debris. Rather than biodegrading, plastic photodegrades, disintegrating in the ocean into smaller and smaller pieces. These pieces, still polymers, eventually become individual molecules, which are still not easily digested.[1] Some plastics photodegrade into other pollutants. The floating particles also resemble zooplankton, which can lead to them being consumed by jellyfish, thus entering the ocean food chain. In samples taken from the gyre in 2001, the mass of plastic exceeded that of zooplankton (the dominant animalian life in the area) by a factor of six. Many of these long-lasting pieces end up in the stomachs of marine birds and animals.[2]

For several years ocean researcher Charles Moore has been investigating a concentration of floating plastic debris in the North Pacific Gyre. He has reported concentrations of plastics on the order of 3,340,000 pieces/km² with a mean mass of 5.1kg/km² collected using a manta trawl with a rectangular opening of 0.9x0.15m² at the surface. Trawls at depths of 10m found less than half, consisting primarily of monofilament line fouled with diatoms and other plankton.[3]

Some sources[4] have incorrectly reported that there is a "floating continent" of debris that is roughly twice the size of Texas, however no scientific investigation, including Moore's, has verified this.

Occasionally, shifts in the ocean currents release flotsam lost from cargo ships into the currents around the North Pacific Gyre, leading to predictable patterns of garbage washing up on the shores around the outskirts of the gyre. The most famous was the loss of approximately 80,000 Nike sneakers and boots from the ship Hansa Carrier in 1990: the currents of the gyre distributed the shoes around the shores of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Hawaiibathtub toys in 1992 and hockey equipment in 1994. These events have become a major source of data on global-scale ocean currents. Various institutions have asked the public to report the landfall locations of the objects (trainers, rubber ducks, etc.) that wash up as a method of tracking surface waters' response to the deeper ocean currents.

I've been bedridden for a few days with food poisoning and as an alternative to work I simply cannot recommend it, especially at year's end when all should be jolly and fine. BUT the advent of the Internet has made a sudden inability to move an increasingly useless form of determent. I've been watching anime with an absurd passion, specifically Death Note, which I recommend to everyone who loves 1) Sherlock Holmes, 2) The Name of the Rose, or 3) Poe's detective stories, or any other such nail-biters. There are only a few writers who can really keep my attention religiously, and the folks behind Death Note are the newest among them.

I found this on StumbleUpon yesterday: it's a lecture given by [some brilliant neuroscientist] laying out in basic English some of the most basic functions of the brain, how and why a few interesting mental disorder develop, and how they can be cured through a bit of good logic. The last bit is particularly interesting--it talks about a disorder eight times more common among artists than in normal folks, and then he goes onto show how we all have a slight degree of this artist's disease, and that that's way cool. 30 minutes. Check it out.


Tia said...

My boyfriend and I got a not-bedridden case of food poisoning on New Year's Eve. Giant Eagle sushi = teh suck.

I hope you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Well said.